COMPANY FORMATION is not as difficult as you think.

If you get help from the right company formation expert, setting up your company in Qatar is a breeze.

Venture Hub can help you navigate a complex web of Company Formation requirements and get you through each of the following steps:

Sponsorship Matching

The most difficult roadblock to starting your own company in Qatar is finding the right sponsor. With Address Gateway, this is not going to be a concern for you. Our sponsorship matching process will give you the confidence that you are starting at the right foot. We can directly introduce you to sponsors that are willing to support you in growing your business.  They can help open doors to clients that are otherwise unreachable if not for the sponsor's business network.

Articles of Association

Getting this document done is a very crucial step that all company owners like you should give time to prepare. But we take pride in drafting this document for you, making sure that we get you covered with all necessary clauses to protect you and your partners' interest based on the kind of business activities that you will venture into.

Commercial Registration

Your most important document in the whole stack is your Commercial Registration. Our team of P.R.O.s will get this done for you at the earliest time possible. Once the court attestation is completed all the other steps necessary to get the CR will be completed for you until you get the actual document.

Computer Card & Tax Card

The final two documents that you need to officially start your business operation in Qatar are the Computer Card and the Tax Card. We deliver this to you on a silver platter by not letting you worry about which ministries you have to go to and how to get it approved. Our P.R.O. will be your hands and feet to help you get these documents at the fastest possible time.

Name Submission & Reservation

We can guide you through the whole naming process by first making sure that your preferred name is available. Being an Arab country, the naming convention for companies has to get validated using a proper translation process.  Our experts will provide step by step assistance until you are satisfied with the name that the ministry will approve for you.

Court Attestation

We make it easy for you to synch your schedule with your sponsor so both of you can be physically present during this very important signing process. Our dedicated P.R.O. will make sure that no time is wasted from both parties - this is specially important for clients that are not yet physically based in Doha.

Trade License Application

Finding the right location for your business and making sure that the location is going to be approved when inspected by the Ministry is a critical role that we fill in for you. We make sure that all the boxes are checked to prevent your Trade License application from getting rejected.