A Book Review

27-Sep-2020   Vanessa Pearl Pereira

5…4…3…2…1…Go! This is what the 5-second rule is about.

If you’re thinking of the 5-second rule which we did as kids where we had to get the food off the floor as soon as possible, then NO this is not that.

The 5-second rule is a Metacognition Tool that is used as a Placebo to trick your brain.

We all have goals, dreams, ambitions that we set almost every single day, but sometimes these goals and ambitions do not really turn out the way we want them to turn for the simple reason being either they don’t work, or they are forgotten.

There is a tipping point very early on right after we set these goals, this kind of sets things in motion and it is with this tipping point we either hesitate or make a decision, and whatever that decision is, ends up being a HABIT.

Charles Dughigg in his book “The Power of Habit” very clearly states that it is you’re habit that determines your DESTINY.
Having said this, a habit is formed by a 3-part vicious cycle of CUE—ROUTINE—REWARD

For example: Let’s consider a scenario where you’re at your workplace and a colleague asks you for a favor (this is the cue), you being a good human accept and do the favor (this is the Routine), after which you colleague thank you (this is the reward).

Using this the 5-second rule allows you to repeatedly build positive habits using very clear and precise cues yielding in faster generated rewards. All you need to do is count down 5…4…3…2…1

In psychology there is an important concept by Julian Rotter called the Locus of Control. This is concept validates the more you believe you are in control of your actions and future, the happier and successful you are.

When you count down, you give your subconscious mind to take a step back and process and take a small action thereby giving you the feeling of being in control. This is the Ultimate Habit Replacement Tool.

The Golden Rule of Habit is If you want to extinguish a bad habit you need to replace it with another habit.

Martin Luther King in his infamous autobiography cited- You don’t have to see the whole staircase; you just need to take that first step.
The key is to start counting down when you hear that voice that says, “I should do this, but it feels uncomfortable”. This inner voice is your inner wisdom.

When you set a goal, your brain automatically opens up a task list. When you are around a scenario that facilitates that goal, your frontal cortex immediately lights up, giving you the uncertain euphoria, which we humans perceive as nervousness.

So, the next time you are faced with a challenge, look straight at that task and count 5…4…3…2…1…

And take that challenge headfirst.



She has an MBA in International Business and she works for Address Business Management as a Marketing Manager. She is also an active member of an international innovators network called Mavericks365 and a passionate member of Toastmasters International & Business Network International.

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