T The reality of today’s world and the diversification of income becoming a trend forces the ordinary man to look out for multiple streams of new income. Especially among young people, it’s very common to see employees holding regular full-time jobs pursuing side hustles to meet their financial needs and goals. Therefore, in order to earn a side-income, one is forced to find alternatives that fit in the gaps in their schedule.

So, here are 10 ways to earn a legitimate side income while working from the comforts of your home without having to neglect your full-time job or your personal life.

1. Online Tutoring

If you are good at Arithmetic, or calculus you can tutor school going students some Mathematics, similarly any other subject. Parents these days are always on the lookout for the efficient results that not only tutor their kids according to the syllabus, but also a curriculum that is most efficiently understood and cater to the needs of these students.

If linear differential integration is not your cup of tea, you can teach basic computer skills or teach them how to learn a new language.

These days, there are a lot of alternatives to online tutoring, such as 

  1. Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/
  2. b.Modaris.me   www.modaris.me
  3. c.TUTOROO https://www.tutoroo.co/

2. Start your own Blog

In today’s days, the luckiest person is someone who has a sturdy roof over his head, Wi-Fi that connects instantly as he enters home and a few good ideas. Anyone can make a living these days by rambling a few words out on a blog. Sure, there are a lot of technical issues you will have to master, but at the very beginning, all you need is a passion or an interest you are willing to write about. Of course, with time and expertise in the field, you are likely to advance more quickly, seeing as how you will have your personal brand and portfolio to back you up.

These days, there are a lot of compatible platforms offering not only the compatibility but also keeping in mind the design aspects of your blog.

(a)   WordPress.org https://wordpress.org/download/

(b)  Blogger.com https://www.blogger.com/

(c)   BlueHost https://www.bluehost.com/

(d)  WIX.com https://www.wix.com/

3. Creative writing


Those who believe they have a novel in them might want to try their hand at creative writing. The advantage of this idea lies in the fact that you can write at your own pace and, once you finish, self-publish it on various platforms. The idea of becoming a self-publishing author automatically eliminates the problem of trying to sell your book to a major publishing company, while it can be almost as profitable. Sure, you’ll need to handle all the pre-production stages yourself, including book cover design, editing, interior layout, marketing, and more.

 Here are 5 best self-publishing platforms:

(a)   Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

 Ranked as the #1 self-publishing company website and platform, owned by Amazon, KDP publishes and retails ebooks that can be read on Kindle devices or on devices that have installed the Kindle app. About 80% of all English-language ebook sales occur via Amazon and self-published titles.

 (b)  CreateSpace

 This is Amazon’s publishing platform for print books and uses print-on-demand publishing, where no stocks are held – a book is printed only when a customer places an order. Amazon gives customers a better browsing and purchase experience by linking a book’s paperback and digital versions during the publishing process, provided the details of both versions match exactly.

 Authors enjoy access to top-notch services: book design; editorial; distribution to around 30,000 booksellers, retailers, and wholesalers in over 100 countries (through Ingram); marketing and publicity.

This is a one-stop shop platform for self-publishing paperback, hardcover, and ebook formats.

 (c)   Kobo Writing Life

A renowned platform that helps authors self-publish in the ebook format only. Like the Kindle, Kobo offers an e-reading device as well as an app for reading on other devices. Ebooks published with Kobo are available to readers in over 190 countries. This is a do-it-yourself platform.

 (d)  Barnes & Noble Press

 Formerly known as NOOK Press, this is a self-publishing portal from Barnes & Noble. They offer print-on-demand publishing. Books published with Barnes & Noble Press retail only at their online and physical bookstores.

 (e)  Apple Books (formerly iBooks)

EBooks available through Apple Books app. Must have a Mac computer to self-publish through Apple Books. No print publishing options available. This is a do-it-yourself platform.

4. Become a Virtual Assistant

People who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs at one point in their life might want to start off as personal assistants. To people who are currently busy with their day-job, this can be considered as an entry-level position to the world of business. 


5. Fill Out Online Surveys / Do paid surveys

Those who aren’t looking for a side-job as much as an occasional temporary financial boost might want to look for alternative options on the topic of how to make money online. Doing paid surveys is probably the most time-efficient method there is.

If you have just a few minutes, you could spend it filling out online surveys. There are multiple sites that will pay you to do so and it’s very easy. All you have to do is register and start filling answering questions. Typically, these are online market research surveys for big brands. Some companies even pay you just for installing an app or playing a game!

Some of the most popular online survey sites include:

(a)   Survey Junkie https://thecollegeinvestor.com/SurveyJunkie

(b)  Swagbucks Surveys https://thecollegeinvestor.com/SwagbucksSurveys

(c)   Pinecone Research https://thecollegeinvestor.com/PinconeGenPop 

(d)  Survey Spot https://thecollegeinvestor.com/SurveySpot

(e)   Points Club https://thecollegeinvestor.com/PointsClub

6. Doing Affiliate Marketing:

I hope you don’t have any products to sell online. If you don’t have then, don’t worry. There is a lot of online shopping site which provides you affiliate links of their products.

Register to their affiliate service and copy the links and share them with your Facebook, Groups, Blogs, Etc. By doing this, you can earn a percentage of their product profit. Lots of people doing this service in Qatar and other middle east countries.

7. Sign Up for A Graphic Design Contest

In 2018, when an SME (small or medium enterprise) needs a new logo, they are far more likely to start a graphic design contest than to hire a designer right away. This might be your opportunity to shine, seeing as how you might earn as much as $100 or $150 per logo. Luckily, there is an abundance of such contests available at any given moment.

Alternatively, there are a lot of Freelance platforms offering added advantages such as

(a)    Fiverr https://www.fiverr.com/

(b)   Bfive https://bfive.qa/

8. Start a YouTube channel

Do you have a Camera or a good Smartphone that supports high-quality video recording capability? If then, create some awesome videos like Product Reviewing, Cooking, Designing, and more.

Nonetheless, making money on this platform isn’t nearly as easy as it was just a few years back. Since then, the rules of ad-friendliness and demonetization trends have really taken off. Nonetheless, for those who find a way to walk this thin line, there’s still a fortune to be made on YouTube.

9. Pet sitting

Those with a bit freer time on their hands and love for animals may decide to enter the pet sitting industry. Needless to say, with the plethora of platforms to connect pet owners and pet sitters, finding work in this industry is easier than ever.

There are various organizations within Qatar such as

(a)   Paws Rescue Qatar https://pawsrescueqatar.org/support-paws/volunteer/

(b)  Qatar Animal Welfare Society (QAWS) https://www.qaws.org/newsite/be-a-volunteer/

(c)   BarkinQ https://www.facebook.com/barkinQ/

(d)  2nd Chance Rescue https://www.parkviewpetcenter.com/blog/post/2nd-chance-rescue.html

(e)   VZW Rescue Salukis Middle East (RSME) https://www.rescuesalukisme.nl/about-us


10. Test Websites  

Website testing, in my opinion, is one of the more efficient and easy ways to make some decent money fast. Website owners are often on the lookout for unbiased critiques of their website usability which is where website testers come in. Website testers will browse a website and record their thoughts on usability and design.

These days there are many sites offering these testing, but one of the most reliable sites is UserTesting.com, where you can earn $10 for testing one website which only takes about twenty minutes.

At the end of the day, those willing to look a bit hard and work a bit harder, the list is virtually endless. Aside from these, there is a wide range of options from calligraphy through transcription and even cooking. It is up to you to pick the one that suits your talents and aspirations.



She has an MBA in International Business and she works for Address Business Management as a Marketing Manager. She is also an active member of an international innovators network called Mavericks365 and a passionate member of Toastmasters International & Business Network International.

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